News letters

Newsletter - 1                19th May, 2016                   Internship in Craft sector

Newsletter - 2                04th June, 2016                  Design is a Relay Race

Newsletter - 3                18th June, 2016                  Can student projects make a difference? 

Newsletter - 4                13th July, 2016                    Do we really need Schools?

Newsletter - 5                09th August, 2016              Teachers should be Designers

Newsletter - 6                29th September, 2016        Skill as a Career Option 

Newsletter - 7                04th April, 2017                  Father of  Indian Design Education 

 Newsletter - 8                05th June, 2017                   Bamboo Log

Newsletter - 9               31st October, 2017               Can we design 'skilling'?

Newsletter - 10            22nd November, 2018          Homage to GD

Newsletter-11             22nd November, 2019          Training the Trainer

Newsletter-12             18th December, 2019          TOT for Post Modern Era    

Newsletter-13             6th January,2020                Golden Jubilee-50years of  IDC-School of Design

Newsletter-14             20th March,2020                Research and Phds: Their role in Faculty Recruitment
Newsletter-15             7th July, 2020                      Covid-19 Crisis and 50 years with IDC     

 Newsletter-16              24th May,2022                  Review: Disobedience of Design Bonsiepe 

 Newsletter-17              2nd June,2022                   Practice to Theory : a difficult path   

 Newsletter-18           9th July,2022                     D I.1:Creativity of Unschooled  

 Newsletter-19          28th October,2022           JIST: Jugaad Innovation Studio and JISS:JI Support System