articles and papers

FREA and Mahua Magic

I got involved with FREA (Front for Rapid Economic Advancement) in way back in Seventies. I soon discovered its name would have been better as 'Front for Relevant Economic Advancement'. FREA even played a better role in providing a 'frame work' for people concerned with Human dignity, Inequalities in Society and Self discovery for right Action in one's Life. Few months back, a 'Reunion meeting of FREA' took place with courtesy of CITARA at IITBombay!

This article was written for FREA, which plans to bring out a publication based on experiences of many who have been engaged with FREA. Let us hope to see the publication soon in which this article or a modified version is likely to appear. I am eager to share this article as my almost 50 years engagement with IIT Bombay has come to an end. The article elucidates FREA's role in steering my life in a meaningful direction keeping my deep interests intact.

FREA and Mahua Magic